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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Paris Exports Riots To 20 Surrounding Towns

Rampaging youths shot at police and firefighters Thursday after burning car dealerships and public buses and hurling rocks at commuter trains, as eight days of riots over poor conditions in Paris-area housing projects spread to 20 towns.
Nine people were injured in Seine-Saint-Denis and 315 cars burned across the Paris area, officials said. In the tough northeastern suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois, youth gangs set fire to a Renault car dealership and burned at least a dozen cars, a supermarket and a local gymnasium.

Traffic was halted Thursday morning on a suburban commuter line linking Paris to Charles de Gaulle airport after stone-throwing rioters attacked two trains overnight at the Le Blanc-Mesnil station. They forced a conductor from one train and broke windows, the SNCF rail authority said. A passenger was lightly injured by broken glass.
See prior post with some good comments and links. What a mess.

In fact, the damage has been done, even if the rioting stops tomorrow- the French have set themselves up to be blackmailed.

Intifadah on demand.
SC&A, I don't think they will be blackmailed. I think they will become quite forceful.
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