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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Great blog, great blogger

Umph! That's the sound of cold-hard facts and occasionally maniacal laughter being delivered to your computer. You too can have this experience by reading Right Wing News. It's interesting no matter your politics may be. I found it at Betsy's Page.

Try this post on the Kyoto treaty. It is riddled with facts, which are not kind to the Kyoto treaty:
"To capture the public imagination," global warming scientist-activist and former global cooling false prophet Stephen Schneider once said, "we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."

Former Boston Globe editor Ross Gelbspan urged a Washington, DC audience in July 2000: "Not only do journalists not have a responsibility to report what skeptical scientists have to say about global warming. They have a responsibility not to report what these scientists say." In a similar vein, Time science editor Charles Alexander told a Smithsonian Institution conference: "I would freely admit that on [global warming] we have crossed the boundary from news reporting to advocacy."

So this is why we read blogs, right? In order to get that which the press feels we are not entitled to read.

I don't agree with everything in this blog by a long shot, but it's worth reading. Here's a post about a post-election satire column appearing in a college newspaper that recommended offing a few Republicans, as well as keying their cars. Said column was written by a staff member at the college. I laughed, and I found it reassuring - that is, as long as others can also indulge themselves in satire at the Democrats' expense - lord knows there is plenty of room. The worst problem I see on college campuses is the prissy censored nature of their allowed speech. Humor is the grand leveler, and when you read a satire like this it's satirizing Democrats and our election frenzy.

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