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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I am womyn, watch me faint

A very, very enjoyable Q&O sendup of some of the less reasoned rhetoric surrounding the Harvard thesis - that women have less talent for math and science or whatever. It ends with a hilarious quote from Jonah Goldberg, which is, in part:
Doing remarkably little to combat the stereotype that women are emotionally frail and constitutionally incapable of dealing with stress, Professor Nancy Hopkins of MIT told the Boston Globe that she had to leave a lecture delivered by Harvard president Larry Summers because if she didn't she would have "either blacked out or thrown up."

What caused this damsel Hopkins to hie to her fainting couch? Why, the mere suggestion that there might be inherent differences between men and women when it comes to aptitude to the hard sciences.
Admit it. That is funny!!!! And yes, I'm quite old enough to remember when women were really discouraged from a lot of careers. Those days are gone, however. Read the whole thing and Jonah Goldberg's column, which is linked in to QandO's post. Some days you have to laugh or you will cry.

I read it, and you're right. But what the heck; the barfing reference got Professor Hopkins (another) 15 minutes of fame, so I guess it worked.
Women have long been kept in a lower state - but now they are finding they have what it takes. Just look at Dr. Rice - the closest a woman has been to being President (I think she'd make a good one).

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