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Saturday, January 29, 2005

It's Not About Us

I'm getting sick and tired of reading analysis about the Iraqi elections that concentrates on what it means for the US, or Europe, or Bush's political opponents, or Bush's political supporters. Tomorrow is the day of the average Iraqi. It's the day when the voice of the ordinary citizen gets a chance, for the first time in a very, very long time. Tomorrow is their day, not your day, or Bush's day, or our day.

The best roundup of resources from a more Iraq-focused POV I have found is at Pajama Hadin. This is a really, really excellent resource. One of his posts ( this also explains a lot about the vote and the process ) displays this quote:
Tomorrow I and the Iraqis that are going to vote will rule, not the politicians we're going to vote for, as it's our decision and they'll work for us this time and if we don't like them we'll kick them out! Tomorrow my heart will race my hand to the box. . .
Yup, that's democracy. It makes no difference that the names of a lot of candidates have had to be concealed because of fears of assassination. What makes a difference is that when leaders know they can be thrown out by the voting public, their priorities change. This process starts tomorrow. More power to 'em.

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