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Monday, February 07, 2005

My Final Word

Ward Churchill gets his due - courtesy Iowahawk. The man is a cultural icon to be prized!!!

In this stunningly scholarly article, Ward Churchill takes on one of the most glaring colonial abuses of the Native American today - the attempt by the colonialists to define who is and who is not an Indian:
At this point--with the codes of colonial domination embraced by many native people as comprising their own traditions, and articulation of the latter often perceived as a contravention of indigenous sovereignty--the colonized become for all practical intents and purposes self-colonizing.
So like, dude, if the man thinks he's an Indian he's an Indian. And if any Native American says he's not, that Native American is demonstrating the degree to which he has "embraced the codes of colonial domination". It's a good thing we have Mr. Pay-A-Fee-Be-Cherokee here to fight for us:
On balance, then, it is both fair and accurate to observe that questions concerning the likelihood that an individual might display a strong loyalty to Indian interests never devolved upon his or her genetic makeup. Without question, mixed-bloods and persons lacking even the pretense of a native gene, stood among the foremost exemplars of patriotism in a number of indigenous nations during the nineteenth century (and earlier).
Down with the colonial oppressors and with those damned quislings who would deny such a patriot his rights to his heritage!

There is one consistent method of social criticism Ward Churchill advocates - shooting people. He is very much against gun control, as he explains in this interview:
WC: Never talking about disarming the police. All social violence, it's all a matter of the disempowered having access to weaponry, never the state. But I think some of these little fucks advocating it, who are also the cadres for the other social repression things, like with the cigarettes and stuff, have this holier-than-thou, sanctimonious, absolutely vacuous health agenda on their hands.

Instant: And a racist attitude, you point out as well.

WC: Well, some of these guys who are getting repressed and can't go sit in the neighborhood diner or their corner bar, where no yuppie would ever go, and have a cigarette, because it's now been outlawed, may just take the chickens back to roost on the correct branch, which is the over-privileged yuppie that imposed that on them in a sort of Cotton Mather moment, and shoot that cocksucker instead of the cop! (laughs) I really think that there's that kind of self-interest involved for a lot of them, and I know a bunch around here. They're concerned they're gonna get shot, so they want to make sure this guy down the street whose life they're getting ready to rearrange for him because they know better how he ought to live than he does, and how he ought to act - and they don't want to bear the burden of his health care, or whatever - that he may just one day go off the deep end of getting fucked with and come up and shoot one of them. He probably should.
The stuff vegetarian journals are into these days! Here is a Satya interview with our man Ward, adorned by a picture of him in camo holding a rifle, perhaps to assist him in "dismantling the politics of comfort". Go admire. Be happy. Put down your imperialist rifles and back away from the screen.

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