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Saturday, March 26, 2005

Clearly Significant

The big guns are coming out of the woodwork now. One thing for sure, even if Terri dies I want this information presented before Congress. Crystal Clear has a post up about the latest legal effort asking for an order reinstating the tube. (Update, Greer denied it, of course.) Among the affidavits before the court is that of Dr. George Mclane, and here is Crystal's short summary:
The circumstances surrounding her initial anoxic episode and subsequent neurological status are consistent with a victim who has been strangled.

A "heart attack" precipitated by severe metabolic disease secondary to an eating disorder is inconsistent.

Such a severly compromised heart would never continue to pump effectively for 15 more years.

...It is critical that Terri Schiavo's case be considered as possible attempted homocide.
I"m sure the MSM would regard the man as just another quack, but here are his credentials:
Dr. George McClane is the Director of the Forensic Medical Unit (FMU) at the city of San Diego Department of Family Justice Center. The FMU documents injuries sustained by living victims as the result of domestic violence. Dr. McClane is also a board-certified Emergency Physician and a diplomate National Board of Medical Examiners. Furthermore, even more relevant to Terri and Michael Schiavo, Dr. McClane has published works reviewing attempted strangulation in hundreds of cases.
Oh, and about Dr. Cranford, the physician the MSM regards so highly? Read this amicus curiae brief of the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. Dr. Cranford's prejudices are gone into very thoroughly. In both Michigan and California, cases in which he testified that some one was completely unconscious were overruled by state Supreme Courts. Why? You'll have to read the whole thing to understand why.

Dr. Cranford is an extreme case of an extreme mentality. According to him (page 12):
"There is a legitimate difference of opinion concerning spoon-feeding," he said, and "it is not fair to say that artificial feeding would only characterize what we call gastrostomy and so forth."12 He explained that spoon-feeding is denied to certain patients since, to feed them "would be totally inconsistent" with what is wanted (i.e. the patient's death).
On page 20 the brief covers some details of his participation in the Michigan case:
During proceedings in September 1993, Dr. Cranford testified on Mary Martin's behalf. He said that he had determined that Michael's level of functioning was such that Michael could not be measured by any neuropsychological tests. During his testimony, Dr. Cranford admitted that he was not able to administer a battery of neuropsychological tests regarding cognition and that he had never worked in a long-term brain injury rehabilitation setting. Nonetheless, he claimed that his knowledge of the biomedical processes made him better qualified than others to assess Michael's level of cognition.30

According to recreation therapy records, Mr. Martin was able to smile, participate in simple card games, choose a color when asked and do a number of other simple tasks.31 Yet, Dr. Cranford denigrated those abilities.
Dr. Cranford has gone on record as believing that minimally conscious patients like Terri should be considered dead and used as organ donors. He's gone on record as saying that we should starve Alzheimer's patients to death. Yet what does the press do? It identifies any neurologist who files an affidavit saying that they do believe Terri is conscious as some sort of religious nut, and never, never looks at Dr. Cranford's considerable record. Dr. Cranford is the one who is outside of the medical mainstream. Truly, he is.

Crystal's post has many more links.

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