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Thursday, March 17, 2005

Free Speech In Canada

I like Canadians, but of course none of the ones I've met squeak hysterically when George Bush's name is mentioned. I thought this No Oil for Pacifists post on free speech in Canada was fascinating. I like the range of court cases cited, and it certainly makes you think about the implications of free speech laws. His opinion?
This odious and bizarre jurisprudence demonstrates that ill-defined powers to maintain public order invariably target those without political power, whether or not they're a numerical minority.
That doesn't sound very democratic to me.

I can't seem to get offended about Canadian anti-Americans, largely because they remind me of enraged chipmunks threatening doom. So many of these people confuse flamboyance with commitment. For instance, I laughed until my belly hurt when Carolyn Parrish cussed out Americans at a press conference and then stomped on a George Bush doll on a television talk show.

There are plenty of conservatives in Canada. There are plenty of moderates in Canada. There are plenty of people taking extreme positions in the United States against the United States.

Who knows? Maybe it is the repressive effect of free speech restrictions cited above that tends to give the extremists of the day more of a voice and more recognition than they deserve.

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