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Sunday, March 06, 2005

The Mood Is Rude

I realize I have written about Turkey's social ferment quite strongly and without giving many reasons for my perception. One of the reasons I haven't is that any particular incident or comment can be explained away, yet hundreds of them form a strong picture. But this, I think, goes right to the heart of just how polarized and jingoistic this society has become; Turkey's scientists are renaming some species to eliminate names with "obvious ill intent":
A sheep species previously known as Ovis Armeniana was renamed Ovis Orientalis Anatolicus. A species of red fox was renamed as Vulpes Vulpes rather than Vulpes Vulpes Kurdistanica.

"Unfortunately there are many other species in Turkey which were named this way with ill intentions. This ill intent is so obvious that even species only found in our country were given names against Turkey’s unity," the statement said.
It reminds you of "freedom fries" and "victory cabbage", doesn't it?

Yikes. I had no idea about this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, MoM.
What kills me is that it's the scientists!
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