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Friday, April 15, 2005

The Cannabis Culture

I'm not sure this guy is all that good a politician. I think even in Canada older people turn out to vote more often than younger people. True, he has a distinguished background in public affairs and business. He is the leader of the British Columbia Marijuana Party. He is the publisher and editor of Cannabis Culture Magazine. He is the owner of Emeryseeds.com and pot-tv.net.

Meet Marc Emery, who is running in the upcoming provincial Canadian election on a very unbigoted and intellectual platform (he likes to think he is "stirring people's intellectual consciousness and perhaps their consciences, to boot."):

He's an easy-going guy who has just a few pet peeves - older people who are bigoted and intolerant and hate young people and support marijuana prohibition. And he's going to do something about it too:
"Old people like complacency and conformity," Emery said, "and they don't want anything to change in their community, and Langley is perhaps the most embarrassing example of it, because I saw more ignorance and more hatred vented at that meeting by largely white seniors than I've ever seen anywhere else in the province."

Emery does't like seniors' healthcare, either. He is advocating a system in which no tax money is spent on hospitalization of anyone over the age of 70.

"Old people are the biggest welfare recipients of our medical system," he said. "We spend far too much of our taxpayers' money on a rapidly growing population of old people. We're spending lots of money keeping _ many many millions of old people _ alive when it would be much more honourable to let them die in a dignified way."
Gee, I'm sure an agenda like that wouldn't have anything to do with their animus. I'm sure it was all anti-marijuana bigotry. As Marc Emery says, a bigot rarely recognizes himself in the mirror. I'm a little confused about whose honor will be defended by denying hospital care to people past 70, but hey. I'm no intellectual.

Hat tip to Neale News.

You know, if weren't such an idiot, I bet my grandmother would have liked him. She was a nice little old lady that read her whole life and always had a medicinal stash.
I've noticed that a lot of older people are hardly hidebound. Some people go on learning and thinking their whole lives and others never seem to think after they get out of school.
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