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Thursday, April 21, 2005

History In Hindsight

Dale Franks of QandO read George Will's column about the therapeutic culture and commented darkly:
Despite what the grief counselors would have us believe, most people, even children, are not quivering bundles of nerves, ready to crack at the first signs of stress. But the more that we act as if we are, the more likely it is that we will be.
I guess Dale is not, because he presented for our delight three "revised" bits of historical culture as they would have been if the "therapeutic culture" had dominated our history. How about George Washington?
After much discussion with Major Smedley, my aide-de-camp for affairs of mental hygiene, I have determined that the unending stress that is made incumbent upon us by this miserable situation must end. In our last discussion, therefore, during which rivers of tears flowed from me like an eternal well-spring of grief, I have determined to end the suffering of my poor soldiers, and immediately ask the British for honorable terms of surrender.
There's more. Click on over and have a little stress-busting laugh.

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