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Monday, April 04, 2005

Mock Castles Down

No Oil For Pacifists takes on a particular brand of thought in his latest post on Iraq, in which he summarizes the developments there. He derides those who say that freedom and democracy are not possible for those of other countries, other ethnic groups and other cultures:
Westerners treasure freedoms and elected government. Since all humans were created equal, those dismissing spreading democracy as "mullarkey" must believe that the people of other nations are fundamentally different from -- or could it be less evolved than? -- Americans. Such nonsense ill suits liberal internationalists, because it's elitist and racist.
And rightly so, but he makes one error (IMO) in calling this a "liberal" doctrine. No true liberal ever stood for this. I could slap a red hat on my head, pick up a shepherd's crook and go to Rome, calling myself a cardinal, but the real cardinals would know my lie.

Real liberals support the essence of liberalism - that all human beings share the same essence and the same potential. Real liberals don't say these things, even quietly and among themselves. Real liberals gave birth to representational forms of government, real liberals expanded those promises to include those originally thought not capable of participation in it and real liberals have fought a slow and painful battle to eradicate barriers to freedom. Real liberals will never accept such a doctrine.

And real liberals aren't dead, because more are being born even as we speak in these countries dismissed as hopeless. This fake liberalism should be mocked and exposed, so that the last castles of feudalism and despotism are razed in this world.

Real liberals don't quit on hope.

M_O_M, I've replied here.
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