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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

IMAO: Bush Blog III

If you haven't read the first two parts, you can find them at the head of the third part. In the annals of blogging humor, this one is destined to endure as long as the traditional media's hatred of blogging endures. A long, long time. Who is the emperor of all the media?
"Due to a large pamphleteering campaign," said the anchorman, "not authorized by us, your trusted mainstream media, citizens have gone back to believing that blogs are a good thing, despite polling telling them they don't actually think that. In a stunning move, President Bush has given a full pardon to blogger Glenn Reynolds for his cross country shoot out with the police, a move supported by bloggers across the world but very unpopular to law students at the University of Tennessee. There have been some implications that quid pro quo was involved, as Bush received what is called an 'Instalanche' to his own blog, Dubya Explains It All, right after issuing the pardon. White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan denied these charges, but we remind viewers that he is tubby."

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