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Friday, June 10, 2005

Friday Funnies

Dingo tells it like it is in Texas.

Lileks looks at fashion (if I never blog again it will be because I died laughing over this.) It's the 6/9/05 piece in his new Screedblog.

Scrappleface - the worst has happened for the Republican party.

The Professym speaks with authority on nuance and grades.

Carl at No Oil For Pacifists has uncovered Karl Rove's newest and most devastating plot to achieve world domination: children. Put on your, er, tinfoil diaphragms, ladies. And earlier this week Carl lost all control over yearbook photos.

Ferdinand notes that it is good that the government is here to help you by handing out brochures.

Howard Dean has inspired photoshoppers. See AYC and Common Sense Runs Wild. Hat tip to Florida Cracker, who is quite funny herself.

And the final nomination for the week, and funniest IMO, of the lot is this thread on Democratic Underground, which begins:
If you are not a feminist, you are not a progressive. Have a nice day.
The original poster includes a little icon smiling and waving bye-bye. One reply:
I just had this fight on Sunday. I've had my fill of being called a misogynist this week. But I'll keep an eye on this thread.
And another:
that's "patriarchs," and you've already had your shot, thousands of years of it.
How patriarchs expect the human race to progress while keeping half of it in ignorance and bondage is beyond me.
All you get is stagnation and hopelessness.
And a representative of the DUI segment of DU weighs in:
lol lol lol i thought it was all funny. lol,
you are cute
you know, life is feeling pretty good today lars. i think it is time to play.
tornadoes are comin, this afternoon. a day of swirlin energies, wink
have a good one
And the strangest thing:
Feminists have given up too soon.
Nowadays everyone thinks the battle is over. So everyone talks as though men are evil and women are great, but they still think the other way round. It's a disaster. Men aren't allowed to criticise women in any way, which is bad for us, and then when something important comes up it's "Look, I'm not sexist, but the audience might be, so you won't be doing the presentation..."
Feminists should keep going, but they need to focus more on present-day discrimination than fighting the Nuclear Family, which is pretty much a dead concept. That calls for a less combative approach.
!!!!!!!! I have been castigated for "hating my own sex", so just let me say this. I don't. I think so darned highly of my sex that I think it's possible to live as a man's equal and advocate for equality without advocating for hatred and injustice toward men. In fact, I think it's the only way to achieve it. I always counter bigotry and injustice whenever I encounter it.

I posted this comment at Dingo's about Texas as well...

Well Perry's oddness is probably exhibit A in why you'll see Kay Bailey Hutchison leave the Senate and run for governor here. Perry really inherited the governorship from Bush when he became President and the Democratic Party simply can't seem to field a viable candidate for any state office here.

Of all the things he's done, this one makes the best soundbite, but it's not in his top 10 or so in terms of stupid Governor tricks. It's made sort of an unusual situation here where the Republicans are looking for a way to oust an incumbent Governor who is going to run for reelection. Hence the push to get Senator Hutchison to run.
Tommy, I have the awed feeling that I don't even want to hear what qualifies for the top ten of Stupid Governor tricks.

Hutchison will probably win easily, right?
the conventional wisdom is she can be governor if she wants to be. I guess we'll find out for sure if she runs.
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