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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Opinion Times On Byrd

Here's an extremely interesting post at Opinion Times on Senator Byrd's position, prospects for reelection and the effect it may be having on his support of President Bush's judicial nominee. Excerpt:
Mr. Byrd is up for re-election next year in a state that Mr. Bush won last year by 13 percentage points despite heavy campaigning by Democrats.

A poll conducted in May shows Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia Republican, three points behind Mr. Byrd even though Mrs. Capito hasn’t announced that she will run against the old-guard senator.
It makes me think about Clinton soldiering out and trying to form a centrist message for the Democrats, which in my more cynical moments I take to mean that he isn't going to allow Vilsack to take that position.

Perhaps civilization has found its way into West Virginia.
It's the weather.

Must be getting hot under those sheets.

Do you have any idea how long Ive had to wait for just the write post to be able to say that?
SC&A - just link to your local weather forecast on your blog.

I have to admire your patient determination. Lurking, lurking, always waiting for the opportunity.

I burst out laughing. I don't want to crack on the old man, but try as much as I can to give him the benefit of the doubt, whenever I read much of his writing I come away believing that he hasn't truly changed very much.
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