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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Senator Cornyn Tries To CYA Roberts

For background see this post on Durbin's doubts and the LA Times article by Turley.
A Republican senator said on Monday that Supreme Court nominee John Roberts had assured him he would rule on the law without the influence of his Catholic religion, which opposes abortion.

"He recognized that anybody who cannot do that ... is unsuitable for the bench," Sen. John Cornyn of Texas said after a private meeting with President Bush's conservative candidate for the high court....

Cornyn said he asked Roberts about a column on Monday in The Los Angeles Times by Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University. It focused on a meeting the nominee had last week with assistant Senate Democratic leader Richard Durbin of Illinois....

Durbin's office had no immediate comment, but later in the day a spokesman said the column was wrong.
Interesting. Do tell us more, Dick.

Yesterday on Fox's evening news they had a segment talking about Durbin's office statement the conversation the story was based on was misrepresented.
Durbin, it seems, is 'misrepresented' quite often.
I wonder where Turley got his information from, then? He does not seem the type to make it up.
He probablt got the info from a 'helpful' intern.
Well, do you think the intern made it up? I suspect not. If that were so why would Cornyn be running interference?

It makes me suspect that Durbin knows that a) offending Catholics is not politically astute, and b) this won't really stand constitutional scrutiny.

If Roberts is as Carl described - extremely intelligent and nice, he may have decided to leave the door open and give Durbin another chance to think before asking questions in hearings.
obviously I don't know what happened and I don't know about Turley...

but I suspect the story was floated to see if it had any traction and once it didn't really it became "misrepresented". If it had legs there probably would have been some follow up. If as you say MOM that Turley is a responsible sort it makes it look more like something generated from Durbin or his office.
Tommy, according to Turley as quoted in the NY Times he spoke directly to Durbin about it.

The NY Times is desperately trying to float this boat IMO. See my later post.
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