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Friday, August 19, 2005

More On Helios

They have grounded the Helios fleet. There's a pretty good thread on Airliners.net Civil Aviation on the crash (from Florida Cracker). This one has some interesting discussion on whether the FA was trying to fly the plane with the autopilot still on.

PPRUNE's thread is long, but the last two pages have some very interesting stuff about differing oxygen mask regulations in various countries and whether putting an O2 mask on should be a requirement whenever one person is left in the cockpit at high altitudes. Apparently EU regs don't require that.

It's common to complain about speculation, but I bet some very experienced pilots will be checking their masks a lot more carefully. I think these discussion forums serve a real purpose for pilots.

Update: Okay, I drifted over to see what Tommy at Striving For Average was up to (Buenos Aires). Tommy is a pilot, although that is just a coincidence. Tommy is studying for his training updates, and get this:
...one of the things it recommends doing in the event of an emergency situation is to loosen your tie.
Under the circumstances I did not find that at all funny. Next time you get on plane, make sure to tell the pilots to loosen their ties before they take off. Seconds count in emergencies.

You know, this is very weird. I am leaving it up as a monument to random weirdness.
One never knows.
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