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Saturday, December 03, 2005

Breaking News! Al Gore Wins Presidency!

Apparently Yahoo still can't grasp the fact that Al Gore never was listed in any count as winning Florida in the 2000 election. Apparently they can't grasp the fact that the independent audits of the votes confirmed the outcome. Apparently they have failed to take to heart Nancy Pelosi's doctrine that the Supreme Court is "almost like God", and once it speaks the matter is settled. Sigmund, Carl and Alfred follows the story of rampant idiocy....

Read the comments too. Dymphna:
You're pulling the beards of the demented and that's not fair. Above all, you have to be fair or Albert (not Alfred) will get huffy and take his little green globe and go home...

The Left and Mohammed have a character trait in common: they can't stand it when anyone laughs at them.
Leftist Carols:
Oh blasted night, the election has been stolen....
Here we come a-wailing....
Away in a courtroom....
Woe to the world, the Bush has come....
and that perennial favorite:
O Come, Let's Impeach Him....

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