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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Conversation - Students And Liberalism

A while back I read an article claiming that students at Harvard were becoming more conservative. I felt skeptical, but I wandered over to ask Pedro the Quietist, who lives and breathes at the heart of the academic beast, what he thought.

He answers here, and it's a fascinating read. Not only does Pedro answer the question, but he charts the entire evolution and devolution of today's campus radical. I badly want you to read the whole thing, but I also don't want to spoil the thread of his explication by excerpting it. Searching for a teaser quote, I finally yanked this out:
I think it's telling that many of the sullen psychotics at Kos and DU are actually pretty old, like in their 50s and 60s -- even though at first glance the complexity and quality of their ideas would make you think they were 16-year-olds angry about being grounded on a Friday night.
Earlier Sigmund, Carl and Alfred had made some very interesting connections related to the issue. He linked to a post by Dr. Sanity on multiculturalism. You really have to read that one in conjunction with Pedro's post. They flesh each other out. Shrinkwrapped has two stunning posts up that just must be read and cannot be chopped into bits here without utter distortion. Go read The Story of Gudrun Part 1 and Part 2.

Then read the On The Couch: Ali Etarez. It's sad that, for the most part, we cannot get articles like this in the print media. Bloggers are rising to fill the gap.

I think it's telling that many of the sullen psychotics at Kos and DU are actually pretty old, like in their 50s and 60s -- even though at first glance the complexity and quality of their ideas would make you think they were 16-year-olds angry about being grounded on a Friday night.

He's right. I was surprised to find out how many people at DU were in their 50's and 60's.

Back when they were discussing the flight to Canada before they were all rounded up in the concentration camps by ChimpyHaliBush it was extremely noticeable. Many countries make it hard for older people to immigrate.(Although ONLY the US can be blamed for it - the rest are just defending themselves from the awful BushChimpeny terror cabal.)
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