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Monday, April 26, 2010

She Is Up And At 'Em

Thanks. Some people don't believe in prayer, but in my experience it works as long as the prayer and the action are in sync. You can't ask for one thing and behave a different way. That's not prayer - that's pretense.

She is up! Early this afternoon she had already put in a few hours of housework and snorked down several highly creditable meals. She's looking almost her old self.

The lady has one heck of an immune system. This is almost certainly the virus that had Stagflationary Mark testing his theory that the proper treatment for a persistent lung infection is more exercise, so under the circumstances she is turning in a remarkable performance. I did hint at a nap today, but she stared me down. Fortunately she does not have a treadmill at her house, because I do not think the exercise cure will work any better for her than Mark. Movement yes, exercise, no.

Saturday night she started to throw a highly respectable fever, and I just let it rip as long as she could stay hydrated. Sunday it slowly diminished, and yesterday afternoon she got up and washed her hair. Today she had cleaned out the refrigerator, done some laundry, washed dishes, moved some plants out to get the rain, etc. She is eating well now. Last night her blood sugar was 155, and I bet she'll be almost in range today.

Blogging will resume tomorrow or Wednesday; I have been putting in a lot of time with this, I will still be visiting with her for at least an hour a day, and I have chores backed up.


This is almost certainly the virus that had Stagflationary Mark testing his theory that the proper treatment for a persistent lung infection is more exercise, so under the circumstances she is turning in a remarkable performance. I did hint at a nap today, but she stared me down. Fortunately she does not have a treadmill at her house, because I do not think the exercise cure will work any better for her than Mark.

We still don't know what I have. I've had this thing for nearly 6 months (still have it).

The exercise was just one week's attempt to both try something different and prove to myself (and my girlfriend) that I wasn't nearly as bad as I was at my worst. Other than showing that I was much better than at my worst, it had no effect on me one way or another though.

Bronchitis was the diagnosis. I don't think I was entirely crazy for giving exercise a try.

Chronic Bronchitis

Exercising regularly can strengthen the muscles that help you breathe. Try to exercise at least 3 times a week.

I wake up feeling fine. About one hour later I cough up some green. I cough very rarely throughout the rest of the day. I don't wheeze. I don't have breathing problems. My sinuses are bit congested but they always are. I have allergies (pollen mostly).

I've been on two different rounds of antibiotics to no effect.

My doctor can't hear anything in my lungs and can't see anything on the chest x-rays. I asked him last time I was there if exercise was helping or hurting. He said I could exercise as long as I feel okay to do it, but that it probably wouldn't help. In any event, other than mowing the lawn once a week, I've still been generally avoiding exercise.

We even bought an air cleaner for the bedroom and one for my office. I'm pretty much game to try anything.

My girlfriend thinks that it is a combination of allergies and a deep sinus infection. I'm going to see an ear, nose, and throat specialist next.
I bet she could double the price she gets for her house if the realtor listed the neighbor as one of the amenities. I can't wait until you get back to writing, but in the mean time keep up the good work.
Mark - I feel your pain. I have something like that which lingers in my lymph nodes at the back of my head ... every time I get a serious cold, the stuff flares up and I get a secondary ear infection. Only way I figured it out was that I had a lymph node there get swollen without other symptoms, had the doc check it out (which of course involved poking and prodding it), and the very next day had the secondary infection start. Eureka! I now know why I get those infections ... too bad there doesn't seem to be a solution to the problem, as it always comes back with the next serious cold, regardless of what treatment course the last cold got.
MOM, what was it the trappers used to say? "Call on God, but row away from the rocks!"
It reminds me of my boyfriend's mom. She's 86 and starting to fail. She fell last week and wound up at the hospital. She refused to eat and has problems drinking so they put her in a nursing home and hospice. Her daughter started feeding her McDonald's milkshakes and that seemed to turn the trick. She's starting to eat again and is going to be discharged this week. The daughter did manage to get a trip down to visit us for a change. It's amazing what the body can do to heal.
Who Struck John,

A small part of me thinks I'm stressed because I'm coughing up green and I'm coughing up green because I am stressed.

It's an Austin Powers "Fat Bastard" theory!
I did hint at a nap today, but she stared me down.

Careful with that! She could turn on you! ;)
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